Stipple Effect

Pixel art editor that supports animation and scripting

Onion skinning

Stipple Effect is a pixel art editor that has the potential to revolutionize 2D indie game development with its approach to scripting. It has all the standard features of a raster graphics editor, along with a host of features specifically intended to facilitate the creation of pixel art for video games or online distribution.

Such features include:


Stipple Effect really shines when users harness the power of the scripting system.

In Stipple Effect, there are three main applications for scripting:




The source code for Stipple Effect is written in Java 17.

Delta Time

Stipple Effect is built on top of my Delta Time library. Delta Time handles actions such as the program execution loop, text rendering, and UI element logic.


Stipple Effect uses its own domain-specific language for scripting. This language is an extension dialect of DeltaScript.

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