WACC Compiler

Second-year project for my Computing BEng at Imperial College London: Java-based compiler for a While-like language that compiles to ARM11 assembly code

This was a group project that I completed with three coursemates. My individual contributions can be assessed by looking at the project's commit history.


WACC is a teaching language used by Imperial College London, based on the While family of languages used by other universities. Our major project for the spring term of our second year was to fully implement a WACC compiler that compiled to ARM11 assembly code in a group of four. This consisted of a front-end and back-end component.





The WACC grammar is implemented with ANTLR.

ANTLR is a parser generator tool that uses the rules of a user-defined grammar to generate code in a given target language to easily lex and parse program files that are supposed to conform with the rules of the input grammar.


The compiler source code was written in Java.

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